37 research outputs found

    Filosofia, Geografia i Percepció

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    Neural Information Processing: between synchrony and chaos

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    The brain is characterized by performing many different processing tasks ranging from elaborate processes such as pattern recognition, memory or decision-making to more simple functionalities such as linear filtering in image processing. Understanding the mechanisms by which the brain is able to produce such a different range of cortical operations remains a fundamental problem in neuroscience. Some recent empirical and theoretical results support the notion that the brain is naturally poised between ordered and chaotic states. As the largest number of metastable states exists at a point near the transition, the brain therefore has access to a larger repertoire of behaviours. Consequently, it is of high interest to know which type of processing can be associated with both ordered and disordered states. Here we show an explanation of which processes are related to chaotic and synchronized states based on the study of in-silico implementation of biologically plausible neural systems. The measurements obtained reveal that synchronized cells (that can be understood as ordered states of the brain) are related to non-linear computations, while uncorrelated neural ensembles are excellent information transmission systems that are able to implement linear transformations (as the realization of convolution products) and to parallelize neural processes. From these results we propose a plausible meaning for Hebbian and non-Hebbian learning rules as those biophysical mechanisms by which the brain creates ordered or chaotic ensembles depending on the desired functionality. The measurements that we obtain from the hardware implementation of different neural systems endorse the fact that the brain is working with two different states, ordered and chaotic, with complementary functionalities that imply non-linear processing (synchronized states) and information transmission and convolution (chaotic states)

    Stochastic-Based Pattern Recognition Analysis

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    In this work we review the basic principles of stochastic logic and propose its application to probabilistic-based pattern-recognition analysis. The proposed technique is intrinsically a parallel comparison of input data to various pre-stored categories using Bayesian techniques. We design smart pulse-based stochastic-logic blocks to provide an efficient pattern recognition analysis. The proposed rchitecture is applied to a specific navigation problem. The resulting system is orders of magnitude faster than processor-based solutions

    10 años del Servicio de Obtención de Documentos de Bibliosalut/ 10 years of the Document Supply Service from Bibliosalut

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    Introduction The centralization process of the Document Supplies Services (DSS) started in 2008. During the process a restructuring of the tasks performed by the staff was made. This centralization allowed the library staff to diversify their work and invest this time in other projects that were being starting (training plan, social networks, Infosalut.com, etc.). Objective The objective of this centralization was to democratize and centralize the access and most relevant information management at a single point available both on the Bibliosalut webpage and the linksource tools on the different databases. Method We decided to use the management system GTBib-SOD, a form to requests documents was integrated in a linkresolver and different procedure were created to manage the different tasks related with de DSS, to divide the work and establishing different timetables to attend this service, thanks to that the library staff were not all their journey dedicated to this service. Results Request time during 2018 was of 1.05 days for users request documents, and 0,06 for libraries request documents. Thanks to a satisfaction survey in 2015, we know that this service is greatly appreciated by the users, since the score obtained was 8.81. The number of requests was raising constantly until 2016, then started to decrease significantly in 2017. Conclusion The timetable made to manage the DSS allowed the staff not to work all the time on this service, and dedicate more time to other tasks. During 2018, the response time during 1.39 days for positive response to the users; and 0.08 days for other libraries. We think that this proves that, thanks to good time management, it is possible to coordinate this service correctly, and in this way, diversify tasks of the virtual library staff

    10 años del Servicio de Obtención de Documentos de Bibliosalut/ 10 years of the Document Supply Service from Bibliosalut

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    Introduction The centralization process of the Document Supplies Services (DSS) started in 2008. During the process a restructuring of the tasks performed by the staff was made. This centralization allowed the library staff to diversify their work and invest this time in other projects that were being starting (training plan, social networks, Infosalut.com, etc.). Objective The objective of this centralization was to democratize and centralize the access and most relevant information management at a single point available both on the Bibliosalut webpage and the linksource tools on the different databases. Method We decided to use the management system GTBib-SOD, a form to requests documents was integrated in a linkresolver and different procedure were created to manage the different tasks related with de DSS, to divide the work and establishing different timetables to attend this service, thanks to that the library staff were not all their journey dedicated to this service. Results Request time during 2018 was of 1.05 days for users request documents, and 0,06 for libraries request documents. Thanks to a satisfaction survey in 2015, we know that this service is greatly appreciated by the users, since the score obtained was 8.81. The number of requests was raising constantly until 2016, then started to decrease significantly in 2017. Conclusion The timetable made to manage the DSS allowed the staff not to work all the time on this service, and dedicate more time to other tasks. During 2018, the response time during 1.39 days for positive response to the users; and 0.08 days for other libraries. We think that this proves that, thanks to good time management, it is possible to coordinate this service correctly, and in this way, diversify tasks of the virtual library staff

    Informe Científico-Técnico: Nuevo sistema para la reducción del impacto de la pesca de arrastre de fondo en las costas españolas del Mediterráneo

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    Se presentan los resultados de un proyecto de desarrollo de un sistema de arte de arrastre alternativo, basado en el uso de unas puertas que no contactan con el fondo marino y que no implican ninguna otra modificación en el resto del arte de pesca. Del 4 Abril 2011 al 18 Mayo 2011 se llevó a cabo una campaña piloto, a bordo del B/P Nueva Joven Josefina, en aguas del Menorca (Islas Baleares). Durante la misma se realizaron un total de 43 pescas comerciales de arrastre de fondo entre 124 y 669 m de profundidad, 20 con un arte tradicional y 23 con un arte experimental, que a diferencia del anterior llevaba puertas Thyboron Tipo 15VFS, unidas a las malletas mediante cable y cadenas de 175 kg. La geometría de la red y el consumo de combustible se estimaron con sensores ITI y caudalimetros, integrados en el sistema SDR-10. Además se calcularon los rendimientos comerciales y los descartes, así como las distribuciones de tallas de las principales especies capturadas. Se capturaron un total de 213433 ejemplares correspondientes a 192 especies o categorías comerciales, con un peso de 5781 kg, de los cuales 3712 kg (64%) fueron captura comercial y 2069 kg (36%) descartes. Se midieron un total 29493 ejemplares de 109 especies. El arte experimental no ha mostrado diferencias significativas respecto del arte tradicional, por lo que se refiere a las maniobras de pesca comerciales, la composición de la captura total, los rendimientos de las principales especies comerciales y los descartes. Las distribuciones de tallas de estas especies tampoco han mostrado un patrón claro que diferencie los dos artes comparados. Dónde sí se han observado diferencias ha sido en el consumo de combustible, ya que con el arte experimental se ha reducido un 14% en la plataforma y un 4% en el talud, manteniendo e incluso aumentando las dimensiones del aparejo trabajando sobre el fondo. Un aspecto, este último, que puede conllevar un incremento del área barrida y, por tanto, del esfuerzo efectivo de pesca respecto al arte tradicional, y que será necesario gestionar/limitar en caso de que el uso de este tipo de puertas se extienda. Este cambio realizado con el arte experimental, unido a otras posibles modificaciones, muestran la posibilidad de seguir mejorando la pesquería de arrastre de fondo, con el objetivo de intentar hacerla ecológica y económicamente sostenible. Los resultados del presente proyecto han sido difundidos al sector pesquero de las Islas Baleares y, en general, a través de los medios de comunicació

    Back to the goddess: a mythopoietic contribution to feminist spirituality

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    [EN] Within the framework of the Second Wave of the feminist movement in the United States, an enthusiastic adhesion of artists was generated around what will be called the Goddess Movement. The theories of the archaeologist Marija Gimbutas, about the existence in neolithic Europe of matricentric, egalitarian and peaceful societies that profess cults to female deities, encouraged an entire generation of artists that, beyond the archaeological debate, saw a space in which to create their own spiritual and symbolic mythical code, and a response to the devaluation that modern monotheisms have exercised, and do exercise, of the feminine. This essay proposes the mythopoietic approach to artistic practice that is, the creative revision of myths , as a valid approach with which to contribute, from contemporary Sculpture, to the deconstruction of the dual paradigm that determines the relationships among people and as a contribution to feminist spirituality.[ES] En el marco de la Segunda Ola del movimiento feminista en Estados Unidos se generó una adhesión entusiasta de artistas en torno a lo que se denominará Movimiento de la Diosa.Las hipótesis de la arqueóloga Marija Gimbutas, sobre la existencia en la Europa neolítica de sociedades matricéntricas, igualitarias y pacíficas que profesaban cultos a deidades femeninas, alentó a una generación de artistas que, más allá del debate arqueológico, vio un espacio en el que crear su propio código mítico espiritual y simbólico, y una respuesta a la devaluación que los monoteísmos modernos habían ejercido, y ejercen, de lo femenino. Este ensayo propone el abordaje mitopoiético de la práctica artística esto es, la revisión creativa de los mitos , como medio en el que contribuir, desde la Escultura contemporánea, a la deconstrucción del paradigma dual que determina las relaciones entre las personas y como aporte a la espiritualidad feminista.Morro Mas, AM.; Chornet Roig, J. (2021). Volver a la diosa: un aporte mitopoiético a la espiritualidad feminista. Revista Sonda: Investigación y Docencia en Artes y Letras. 10:29-42. https://doi.org/10.4995/sonda.2021.1780729421

    Neural Information Processing: between synchrony and chaos

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    Alternative sewage treatment using thermal output from solar power

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    La situación del Campus de la UIB, aislado de la ciudad, ligado al tema de la escasez del agua ha permitido el desarrollo de un sistema de depuración in situ de las aguas residuales producidas en las propias instalaciones universitarias. El proceso se desarrolla íntegramente con sistemas de depuración natural en un diseño que combina 3 tecnologías existentes: el lagunaje, los humedales construidos y los filtros verdes arbolados. La innovación se produce en un sistema de regulación térmica del lagunaje para evitar la inversión térmica, que provoca situaciones puntuales de malos olores. Se trata de aprovechar el calor residual de una instalación de climatización solar en un edificio cercano a la laguna, de tal manera que la laguna ejerza de refrigerador del sistema y a la vez aproveche el calor para potenciar la estratificación térmica.The location of the Balearic Islandsʼ University Campus, isolated from the city of Palma, has made possible the construction of an on-site wastewater treatment plant to remedy the scarcity of water. The plant runs with natural wastewater systems mixing three well known technologies: waste stabilization ponds, constructed wetlands and tree filters. The innovation in this field is done by a thermal regulation to avoid the destratification events that causes bad odours in the main pond. It involves taking advantage of the residual heat of solar air-conditioning facilities installed in a nearby building. The residual heat is used to increase the stratification on the pond to avoid the thermal destratification

    Ultra-Fast Data-Mining Hardware Architecture Based on Stochastic Computing

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    Minimal hardware implementations able to cope with the processing of large amounts of data in reasonable times are highly desired in our information-driven society. In this work we review the application of stochastic computing to probabilistic-based pattern-recognition analysis of huge database sets. The proposed technique consists in the hardware implementation of a parallel architecture implementing a similarity search of data with respect to different pre-stored categories. We design pulse-based stochastic-logic blocks to obtain an efficient pattern recognition system. The proposed architecture speeds up the screening process of huge databases by a factor of 7 when compared to a conventional digital implementation using the same hardware area